so i wacthed "CAN WITHOUT LABELS"
i didnt expect anything,but i still was dissapointed
it was not good,i even putting aside john horrible shit,it fucking bad,i did smirk a few times but thats it,The animation (coming from a perfectionist)is lazy and awful,it looks like a newground anaimation trying to be john....NO,IT LOOKS LIKE A PORN ANIMATION,actually those look appeling and they didnt take a kickstarter and 7 YEARS
It tries to hard to be funny and cartoony,nothing feels grounded,everything feels floaty and lazy(he litrally just made a drawing slide croos the screen)and i tougth the use of 3D was a temporary thing,BUT NO,IT WAS LITEALLY PART OF THE SHORT AND IT DOESNT LOOK GOOD,IT EVEN WORSE WITH THE CHARACTER FLOATINESS
JONK K. is the last thing i want to be a bad lazy artist,who lost of his talent,and a scammer,and a pedophile,and a horrible person,and John krisfalusci